King Gizmo IV

King Gizmo IV
In Loving Memory, 12-31-93 - 2-3-10

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Three Sleepy Chihuahuas

Yesterday, I was washing the bed linens & blankets. As I was waiting for them to dry, my chihuahuas didn't care there wasn't anything on the bed. All three jumped up, found a spot, and collapsed into a peaceful slumber as you can see here.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chi Gang on Couch

This what you get when your chihuahuas think you're part of the couch.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Diva Grooming

Last Sunday took Diva to Petsmart for grooming. She looks so cute!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Stevie the Survivor Facebook Info

To See Stevie and her story, go to:

Stevie is a disabled chihuahua that was rescued from death row of an animal shelter in California.  She has a bone disease that has left her front two paws malformed.  Her mom is fighting cancer and needs financial help for  Stevie's treatments.  Please consider helping out by going to Stevies Chipin Page.  Info is listed in blog post below.

Stevie The Survivor Needs Your Help (See Stevie the Survivor on Facebook)