King Gizmo IV

King Gizmo IV
In Loving Memory, 12-31-93 - 2-3-10

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Rescue Prayer from Blind Cat Rescue


'Now I lay me down to rest,'
'Pray my soul can stand this test.'
'Of watching animals lose a home,'
'While owners complain, cry & moan.'

'I long for strenth of spirit and..'
'I Pray they find a Home Again,'
'Where they will know a loving heart,'
'I can't do much, but that's a start.'

'Please keep me sane while dealing with:'
'The women who bought this 'gift',
'A wriggling tiny 'ball of fluff'
'That now is playing much to rough.'

"Remind me I should 'bite my lip'
'When confronted with: "he grew too quick"
"I didn't know he'd get so large"
"He seems to think that he's "in charge"

'Protect my heart when I hear them say:'
"I think we'll breed our dog one day."
'Sometimes I think it'll 'break in two"
'Each day bring 'trials' harsh & new..'

'And if I die before I wake,'
'I pray one hopeless soul you'll take.'
'My tears are gone, my faith is bare..'
'So Please Hear My Rescue Prayer.'

- Author Unknown -

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Shadow, sweet dreams.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Shadow smoking a cigarette...uhh... chewing a bone!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Belle deep in thought, contemplating the meaning of life.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Isn't she pretty after groom.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Belle after her spa grooming. She is showing off her pretty bows!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, June 4, 2010

Vets View

This was pasted to my FB newsfeed this afternoon by my sister.  I have provided a link to the story from USA Today.  An interesting story of how pet hair can aid the cleanup efforts of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  Please take a look.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today has been a relatively quiet far.  The  puppies got a lot of exercise between last night and today so I think they are now in the process of re-energizing to prepare for trouble!  It will soon be dinnertime where things get very hectic.  As long as Mason doesn't go near their food, all is quiet, but the moment he goes near have never seen dogs spring into action flying towards the food bowl growling and barking to stay away from their food dish.

Mason Our Shetland Sheepdog

This is a picture of Mason, our Sheltie.  We do not discriminate here at our house against dog breeds even though this blog is mostly a Chihuahua blog.  Mason is eleven years old and has typical Sheltie traits.  Very smart and easy to train, but, also a barker.  He barks at the door, at strangers, when the phone rings, when you leave, when you take the garbage out, when you go from one room to another, etc.  Woof, woof, woof, woof!  We love him just the same.

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Diva Baby Picture

This is one of the first pictures I took of Diva after I got her.  She was so tiny then.  She still seems small, but I can tell the difference.  She is smart as a whip and is a jumper.  In fact if I can just get a video at the perfect time, she actually leaps through the air.  She looks like a little reindeer!  She seems innocent (by herself, LOL), but when you get her with Belle & Shadow, forget it, that innocence goes right out the window!  She will be starting beginner dog training this weekend along with my other two.  What a handful! 

Monday, May 17, 2010

Belle's Yoga Pose

Hey Mom - can’t you see I’m meditating and in the middle of my yoga pose?
Hey Mom - can’t you see I’m meditating and in the middle of my yoga pose?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


My third chihuahua, Diva.  The only time I seem to get a half way decent picture of her is when she is resting.  Every time she sees me with a camera, she takes off.
My third chihuahua, Diva. The only time I seem to get a half way decent picture of her is when she is resting. Every time she sees me with a camera, she takes off.


Belle’s brother (littermate).  He is going to be big.  He is 5.1# at 4 months.  Belle is only 3.2#.
Belle’s brother (littermate). He is going to be big. He is 5.1# at 4 months. Belle is only 3.2#.


She looks a lot like Gizmo.  She was born 12/10/09.
She looks a lot like Gizmo. She was born 12/10/09.

One of The Blogs I Follow

A Place To Love Dogs – Our Dog Homer

My Dog Homer
This is my dog Homer. In a way, a big part of the reason I started this site. Well, that and my huge love of dogs.
A Friend For Life
Homer is a 14 1/2 year old Golden Retriever with a heart of gold and the spirit of a puppy. Everyone on my street knows Homer and wherever we go with him someone will comment on what a beautiful dog he is, stop to pat him on the head and once you do you have made a friend for life.
A Place To Love Cookies
One of Homer’s favorite things in the whole wide world aside from barking is his cookies. There is a house down the street that leaves cookies out for Homer everyday, which makes that Homer’s most desired walk destination.
A Good Day
Homer loves to play at the park with the other dogs and it is so cute to see him try and run, romp and chase the other dogs, of course he can’t really, but he doesn’t know. We love him so very much and are grateful for the joy and happiness he has brought into our lives. Everyday we have with him is a blessing. Today is a good day.
This is a reblogged post from aplacetolovedogs that is one of the blogs that I follow.  One of my favorite dog breeds is the Golden Retriever.  If I ever get a larger dog, this is the breed of dog I would get.  They are great family pets and very smart dogs.  Their fur is much softer than you might think!  They are very beautiful dogs.

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